Welcome to my Land
Hello and welcome to my home page.
I'm very glad that you made it this far .
. .
and I hope that you'll stick around to get
to know just a little bit more about me and my life.
My name is Vikram Parekh
I was born on October 2nd, 1977 in the city
of oranges in Maharashtra, called Nagpur,

My Life
My early years were spent in Nagpur
I did my schooling from Bhartiya Vidya Bhavan
, Nagpur.
Later, after completing my tenth standard
I got addmission in Shri Shivaji Science College, Nagpur.
Presently I am in final year of Engineering
at Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay, in the Department of Metallurgical
Engineering and Material Science
My Family
My father is a buisnessman who deals in Timber
and logs. My father is the greatest pal i ever had in my whole life...he
is just terrific .
my mom is a housewife and cooks the best
in this world. I can bet any amount of money if anybody can defeat my mom
in cooking.
I have a younger sister who is studying in
Dental college at a small place called Wardha near nagpur.
She doesn't have any other extra curricular
activity other than teasing me ... I miss her.
My friends
I have lot of friends, both in Nagpur and
in Bombay.
Living in hostel has been the singular most
electrifying experience that i have ever had in my whole life. This has
given me best of best friends.
Kota (Arvind
Sharma from Kota) is my darling ..
kota my partner
this section of my home page is dedicated
to him.
my other friends are my wingmates, dhali,
tandon, jain, k2, dutta, mukesh(my roomp), lassi.
I have a pal who is real cool and a fundaes
man : SKD.
My Interests
I guess that the best - and fastest - way
to really get to know me
is by discovering what I like. So here goes
. . .
I adore bollywood movie music ; - especially
those sung by Kishore Kumar, shortly i will be putting some chords for
Hindi songs on this site.
Here is the place where u can find some chords
to hindi numbers
click here to see some chords for hindi
How I look
This is how i look, actually this photograph
was taken in REAL BAD lighting conditions, otherwise i am very smart and
dashing !
Links to My Favorite Sites
Another way to really get to know someone
- especially someone who spends
as much time on the Internet as I do - is
to learn their favorite sites
This page is still under construction ......
please bear with me !!!
If you wish to, please send me an e-mail
at : [email protected]
Hostel 7 / #273
IIT Powai
Bombay 400 076
Ph : (+91)(-22) 5781049
Page was last updated on Thursday March
12, 1999 at 18:00:52